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Lebanese Camel Hash | Crystal Cloud 9 CanadaLebanese Camel Hash | Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

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Lebanese Camel Hash | Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

Rated 3 out of 5

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

When making Lebanese hash, growers leave plants on the field until they have nearly dried, at which time they will be a reddish-brown colour. They arethen harvested and brought to a barn, where they are hung and dried much like tobacco. Dried buds are rubbed over fine silk cloth, producing a powder that is stored inside plastic bags, where it is “aged” until winter. in winter, it is pressed normally by hand into 100g, 200g or 10000 g slabs. These slabs are the reason for the beautiful yellow Lebanese hash

Proudly sold by Crystal Cloud 9 Canada, your trusted destination for cannabis derived products.

SKU: lebanese-camel-hash Category:

15 reviews for Lebanese Camel Hash

  1. searsrms (verified owner)

    This is a bc made hash not Lebanese
    But it is still tasty

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  2. whatever (verified owner)

    Smokes well, smooth taste and a better than average buzz. Almost golden brown and crumbles well, high quality. Much better than most black hashes I’ve tried.

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  3. coreyharris1979 (verified owner)

    Loves it. Best hash do far

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  4. p6walsh (verified owner)

    Having spend some time in Nepal, this is the closest I can find from product I enjoyed over there… this product is a must!

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  5. Lconnors463 (verified owner)

    I really enjoyed this hash and will order again

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  6. eunit (verified owner)

    Not the best hash I’ve had, but decent for the price.

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  7. Jamielmacleod (verified owner)

    Golden hash with full flavour, excellent for chill night, or slow day at the beach. Creative flow and makes body aches disappear.

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  8. cino_1nine (verified owner)

    Mediocre buzz. Nice blonde colour.

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  9. brycebraaten (verified owner)

    Just an amazing flavour.

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  10. Rmsthi (verified owner)

    Great buzz and good tastes and like the texture

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  11. emasraw.d (verified owner)

    Love smoking hash very smooth and taste… good Change from bud and not as strong as shatter

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  12. Mitchmoyer99 (verified owner)

    Delicious. Intense body buzz with a mostly clear head. Great for being productive and not too spacey. Easy smoking in a pipe or joint. Great purchase!

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  13. stephanie.alexander86 (verified owner)

    Pretty good hash for the price. Does the job.

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  14. andrew.m.smith09 (verified owner)

    Good quality hash with a mellow vibe. Perfect for in the evening and relaxing.

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  15. mrshawnwick (verified owner)

    This is a good one, my relaxing high lasted for the whole day, got to buy again! NICE STUFF!!

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

  16. eric.purdy (verified owner)

    Very nice and soft, smooth in a pipe, good for pain (M.S.) and anxiety, love the camel!!!

    Posted on Crystal Cloud 9 Canada

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